Gta Vice City Deluxe 2008 Democratic Primary

DB00000578-363_634x437.jpg' alt='Gta Vice City Deluxe 2008 Democratic Primary Election' title='Gta Vice City Deluxe 2008 Democratic Primary Election' />Upper Canada College Toronto Private Boarding School. Top achieving students were recognized at Upper Canada Colleges annual Prize Day on Oct. Prizes, awards and medals for a variety of academic disciplines and extra curricular accomplishments were presented to dozens of boys ranging from Year 1 to IB2 as the proud parents, staff and faculty members who filled Laidlaw Hall looked on. Principal Jim Power made opening remarks, UCCs wind ensemble performed Florentiner March op. Gta Vice City Deluxe 2008 Democratic Primary' title='Gta Vice City Deluxe 2008 Democratic Primary' />Gta Vice City Deluxe 2008 Democratic Primary ResultsGta Vice City Deluxe 2008 Democratic PrimarySenator Linda Frum, a respected journalist, vice chair of the Colleges board of governors and mother of UCC student Sam Frum. Heres the transcript of Frums speech Good morning and thank you. Let me begin by saying how excited I am to be here this morning. To the winners of prizes and awards, let me direct a first greeting to you. We are here today to acknowledge your hard work and special accomplishments. May I add my voice to all the others when I say congratulations to you on your achievement today. Acknowledgement is due to the parents of todays winners as well. Your boys have earned their accolades, but they did not earn them alone. As the mother of a boy on the UCC crew, I know well the dedication, commitment and support of our UCC parents. And of course I have to greet our magnificent faculty and staff. You inspire these boys, you lead them, you shape them. Their success is your handiwork. On behalf of parents and boys, I say thank you and thank you and thank you. I have to say that when I received the email from Dr. Power last month inviting me to be your Prize Day speaker this year I felt like a prizewinner myself. You see, for me, this invitation holds within it the opportunity for a second chance to get something right because returning to this podium actually involves returning to the scene of one of my greatest public speaking failures ever. Twenty five years ago I was invited to speak at UCC. I can remember it vividly. I was in my early 2. Guidebook to Canadian Universities. The book led to many, many speaking engagements at universities and schools across the country, including one here at UCC. Indeed I believe it was Mr. Matthews who extended that invitation and its reassuring to me that he and I are both still kicking around this place, looking just as youthful as we once did. Anyway, as a journalist, and now as a parliamentarian, I have faced all kinds of crowds. Sometimes friendly, sometimes hostile, sometimes just confused. But in the case of the boys at UCC I encountered a completely different reaction. Im not sure how to describe it exactly. Gta Vice City Deluxe 2008 Democratic Primary MichiganBut for the entire length of my speech I looked out at a sea of blank, disapproving faces. What was especially baffling was that I was using the same material that had worked perfectly well in other venues. But in this case, my words fell to the ground with a thud. The memory haunts me still. Studies show that the one thing North Americans fear most, more than death or spiders, is public speaking. And when people wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night because they are having a nightmare about being on a stage making a speech thats just tanking, well, what they are picturing in their minds is exactly what I lived through. Now, it is a little reassuring that no less of an orator than Dr. Power has confessed to me that he also finds you boys can be something of a tough audience. And my son Sam, who coached me for my appearance here today hypothesized that the most probable explanation for my bomb out in 1. It was 8 am and boys dont pay attention to any speaker at that time day. Im a girl and boys just arent that interested in what girls have to say. Andor 3 I may have underestimated the risk of agreeing to speak to an audience composed, as he put it, of such high caliber men and therefore, perhaps, my remarks missed their target because they werent, I dont know, classy enough. Finally, as a friendly word of caution, my son advised me not to build up too many expectations about this speech today either, because, as he pointed out, nothings changed. The caliber of the men in the audience, is still, obviously, extremely high. Im still a girl. And its still morning. So the dynamics here do not play in my favour. But regardless of the strength of Sams analysis, the point of my story is this Im back. Im giving this a second try. 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The lapse of time between that first speech and this one underscores an important message for the boys here who will not receive a prize or award today. UCC is unusual among todays private schools in its public honoring of success. While many schools in North America have done away with prize day giving altogether out of sensitivity for the delicate psyches of their young students, UCC understands that competition drives boys to thrive and excel. So, to those of you who have won prizes today, lets get this straight You worked hard. You won. And you rule. But its also true and I can attest to this that we are not all on the same timetable of success. Some of us were ready to deliver a whizzbang of a speech in 1. Others needed a quarter century of rehearsal. In the same way, you boys are unfolding and developing at your own pace. Some of you are sprinters. Some dont gain speed until the second mile. For those boys, the honors are all to come and the prize days will be the class reunions of future years. Success comes in many forms. And at different times. At Harvard Business School they tell a local joke about two students. One excels at math, wins prizes, graduates at the top of his class, and is promptly hired by a major bank. The other is baffled even by basic arithmetic and eventually drops out. Years pass. The two students meet again, in the lounge of a private aviation terminal. Both are boarding their own planes. Vice Town' title='Vice Town' />MSN Money is the hub for your financial life. Be informed and ahead with our realtime stock quotes, deep tools and calculators, and breaking news and. Jalopniks lovely managing editor, Erin Marquis, has a story about when her GPS failed on her and led her somewhere it should not have. I was in Michigans. The former prizewinner notices the former drop out. Frankly, hes stunned. He approaches him, reintroduces himself, and then says, you dont mind my asking but what happened to youThe former dropout explains, When I left B school, I went to work for a plastics company. They put me in the mailroom. I was bored, so I started reading the catalogues of our suppliers. One day I saw an ad for a new kind of straw, it went sort of all curly. I had the thought you could attach little cartoon characters to it, and that fast food companies might buy them to attract kids. Maybe movie companies would pay you too for the commercial tie in. I took the catalogue, quit my job, started my own company. The straws have been a huge success for us. I buy them for a dime, I sell them for a dollar and over time, those 1. He still couldnt do the math. But he had won his own prize. Now before I leave this stage, and given that I only get a chance to do this every 2. I want to take advantage of this moment to say a word of appreciation to Dr. Power. I have been a mother at this school for twelve years. And I have had the honor to serve as a member of the Board of Governors for five. But by the time June comes around I will no longer belong to either group. Nigeria Oil And Gas Concessions Map And Licenses Definition. This is very sad for me because I am deeply proud of my association with Upper Canada. And one of the chief reasons I am proud of this school is because of Dr.