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Tor is free software for enabling anonymous communication. The name is derived from an acronym for the original software project name The Onion Router. MacIEEE IEEE Search. China Zhnggu, officially known as the Peoples Republic of China Zhnghu Rnmn Gnghgu is a huge country in Eastern. Freegate Professional 7 29 Portable' title='Freegate Professional 7 29 Portable' />Freegate Professional 7 29 PortableTCPUDP WikipediaTCPUDPTransmission Control Protocol TCP User Datagram Protocol UDP Internet Assigned Numbers Authority IANA TCPUDP1IANAIANA 01. TCPUDP0. NANAIn programming APIs not in communication between hosts, requests a system allocated dynamic port23NA0. UDP1. TCPUDPTCP Port Service Multiplexer TCPMUX2. TCPUDPCompress. NET4 Management Utility53. TCPUDPCompress. NET4 Compression Process64. TCPUDP5. TCPUDPRemote Job Entry6. TCPUDP7. TCPUDPEcho Protocol8. Freegate Professional 7 29 Portable' title='Freegate Professional 7 29 Portable' />TCPUDP9. TCPUDPDiscard Protocol9. UDPWake on LAN1. 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TCPUDPTrivial File Transfer Protocol TFTP7. TCPUDPGopher protocol7. TCPUDPNETRJS protocol7. TCPUDPAny private Remote Job Entry7. TCPUDPFinger protocol8. UDPHypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP1. UDPQUIC from Chromium for HTTP8. TCPTorparkonion routing8. UDPTorpark control8. TCPUDPKerberos authentication system9. TCPUDPdnsix Do. D Network Security for Information Exchange Security Attribute Token Map9. TCPUDPPoint. Cast dotcom9. TCPWIP Message protocol1. UDPCyber. Gate RAT protocol1. TCPUDPNIChost name1. TCPUDPISO Transport Service Access Point TSAP Class 0 protocol 1. Digital Equipment Corporation. DECnet Phase V over TCPIP1. TCPUDPACRNEMADigital Imaging and Communications in Medicine DICOM1. TCPUDPCCSO Nameserver Protocol QiPh1. TCPUDPRemote TELNET Service1. TCPUDPSNA Gateway Access Server11. TCPUDPPost Office Protocol v. POP21. 10. TCPUDPPost Office Protocol v. POP31. 11. TCPUDPONC RPC Sun. RPC1. 13. TCPIdent, authentication serviceidentification protocol,1. IRC servers to identify users1. UDPAuthentication Service1. TCPSimple File Transfer Protocol1. STDUUCPPath Service1. TCPUDPStructured Query Language SQL Services1. TCPNetwork News Transfer Protocol NNTP, retrieval of newsgroup messages1. TCPUDPNetwork Time Protocol NTP, used for time synchronization1. TCPUDPFormerly Unisys Unitary Login, renamed by Unisys to NXEdit. Used by Unisys Programmers Workbench for Clearpath MCP, an IDE for Unisys MCP software development1. TCPUDPDCEendpoint resolution1. TCPUDPMicrosoft EPMAP End Point Mapper, also known as DCERPC Locator service,1. DHCP server, DNS server and WINS. Also used by DCOM1. TCPUDPNet. BIOS Name Service1. TCPUDPNet. BIOS Datagram Service1. TCPUDPNet. BIOS Session Service1. TCPInternet Message Access Protocol IMAP, management of email messages1. TCPUDPBackground File Transfer Program BFTP1. TCPUDPSimple Gateway Monitoring Protocol SGMP1. TCPUDPSQL Service1. TCPUDPDistributed Mail Service Protocol DMSP1. UDPSimple Network Management Protocol SNMP1. TCPUDPSimple Network Management Protocol Trap SNMPTRAP1. TCPPrint srv, Network Post. Script1. 75. TCPVMNET IBM zVM, zOS zVSE Network Job Entry NJE1. TCPUDPX Display Manager Control Protocol XDMCP1. TCPBorder Gateway Protocol BGP1. TCPUDPInternet Relay Chat IRC1. TCPUDPSMUX, SNMP Unix Multiplexer2. TCPUDPApple. Talk Routing Maintenance2. TCPUDPQuick Mail Transfer Protocol2. Fear Street Complete Series Download. TCPUDPANSIZ3. 9. 5. TCPUDPInternetwork Packet Exchange IPX2. TCPUDPMessage posting protocol MPP2. TCPUDPInternet Message Access Protocol IMAP, version 32. TCPUDPEfficient Short Remote Operations ESRO2. TCPUDPArcisdms2. TCPUDPBorder Gateway Multicast Protocol BGMP2. TCPUDPhttp mgmt3. TCPThin. Linc Web Access3. TCPNovastor Online Backup3. TCPmac. OS Server Admin ly Apple. Share IP Web administration3. TCPUDPPKIX Time Stamp Protocol TSP3. UDPPrecision Time Protocol PTP event messages3. UDPPrecision Time Protocol PTP general messages3. TCPUDPMapping of Airline Traffic over Internet Protocol MATIP type A3. TCPUDPMATIP type B3. TCPUDPcloanto net 1 used by Cloanto Amiga Explorer and VMs3. TCPUDPOn Demand Mail Relay ODMR3. TCPUDPRpc. 2portmap3. TCPcodaauth. 2, Coda authentication server3. UDPcodaauth. 2, Coda authentication server3. UDPsecurecast. 1, outgoing packets to NAIs Secure. Cast servers2. 02. TCPUDPClear. Case albd3. TCPUDPHP data alarm manager3. TCPUDPA Remote Network Server System3. TCPUDPAURP, Apple. Talk Update based Routing Protocol2. TCPUDPLightweight Directory Access Protocol LDAP3. TCPUDPDigital Equipment Corporation. DECnet Phase V over TCPIP4. TCPUDPUninterruptible power supply UPS4. TCPUDPService Location Protocol SLP4. TCPUDPNNSP, part of Network News Transfer Protocol4. TCPUDPMobile IP Agent RFC 5. UDPHypertext Transfer Protocol over TLSSSL HTTPS4. UDPQUIC from Chromium for HTTPS4. TCPUDPSimple Network Paging Protocol SNPP, RFC 1. TCPMicrosoft DS Active Directory, Windows shares4. TCPMicrosoft DS SMB file sharing4. TCPUDPKerberos ChangeSet password4. TCPURL Rendezvous Directory for SSM Cisco protocol4. TCPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol over TLSSSL SMTPS4. Download Game Guitar Hero Untuk Laptop Windows 8. TCPUDPtcpnethaspsrv, Aladdin Knowledge Systems Hasp services4. TCPGO Global remote access and application publishing software4. TCPDantz Retrospect5. TCPUDPInternet Security Association and Key Management Protocol ISAKMP5. TCPUDPModbus Protocol5. TCPUDPCitadel, multiservice protocol for dedicated clients for the Citadel groupware system5. TCPUDPFirst. Class Protocol FCP, used by First. Class clientserver groupware system5. TCPRexec, Remote Process Execution5. UDPcomsat, together with biff5. TCPrlogin5. 13. UDPWho2. China Wikitravel. China. For other places with the same name, see China disambiguation. Location. Flag. Quick Facts. Capital. Beijing. Government single party oligarchy. Currency yuan, CNY. Area 9,5. 96,9. 60km. Population 1,3. 57,3. Language. Mandarin Putonghuarecognized regionally Wu Shanghaiese, Cantonese Yue, Mindong Fuzhou, Minnan Hokkien Taiwanese, Xiang, Gan, Hakka dialects, minority languages. Religion Buddhist c. Daoist Taoist, Confucian, Christian 3 4, Muslim 1 2, Atheist c. Most Chinese are religious pluralists, observing a mixture of Buddhist, Confucian, and Taoist beliefs and philosophies, but not necessarily practising. The state is officially atheist. Electricity 2. 20. V, 5. 0Hz US Type A, Australian Type I, and Type G plugs. Country code 8. 6. Internet TLD. cn. Time Zone UTC 8. Emergencies dial 1. Map of the Peoples Republic of Chinas territorial claims. China Zhnggu, officially known as the Peoples Republic of China Zhnghu Rnmn Gnghgu is a huge country in Eastern. Asia about the same size as the United States of America with the worlds largest population. With coasts on the East China Sea, Korea Bay, Yellow Sea, and South China Sea, in total it borders 1. It borders Afghanistan, Pakistan through the disputed territory of Kashmir, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam to the south Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to the west Russia and Mongolia to the north and North Korea to the east. This number of neighbouring states is equalled only by Chinas vast neighbour to the north, Russia. This article only covers mainland China. For Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, please see separate articles. UnderstandeditI am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge. I am one who is fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking it there. Confucius. The roughly 5. Chinese civilization has endured through millennia of tumultuous upheaval and revolutions, periods of golden ages and anarchy alike. Through the recent economic boom initiated by the reforms of Deng Xiaoping, China is once again one of the leading nations in the world, buoyed by its large, industrious population and abundant natural resources. The depth and complexity of the Chinese civilization, with its rich heritage, has fascinated Westerners such as Marco Polo and Gottfried Leibniz through the Great Silk Road and more ways of culture exchange in centuries past, and will continue to excite and bewilder the traveler today. HistoryeditAncient ChinaeditThe recorded history of Chinese civilization can be traced to the Yellow River valley, said to be the cradle of Chinese civilization. The Xia Dynasty was the first dynasty to be described in ancient historical chronicles, though to date, no concrete proof of its existence has been found. Nevertheless, archaeological evidence has shown that at the very least, an early bronze age Chinese civilization had developed by the period described. The Shang Dynasty, Chinas first historically confirmed dynasty, and the Zhou Dynasty ruled across the Yellow River basin. The Zhou adopted a decentralized system of government, in which the feudal lords ruled over their respective territories with a high degree of autonomy, even maintaining their own armies, while at the same time paying tribute to the king and recognizing him as the symbolic ruler of China. It was also the longest ruling dynasty in Chinese history, lasting about 8. Despite this longevity, during the second half of the Zhou period, China descended into centuries of political turmoil, with the feudal lords of numerous small fiefdoms vying for power during the Spring and Autumn Period, and later stabilized into seven large states in the Warring States period. This tumultuous period gave birth to Chinas greatest thinkers including Confucius, Mencius and Laozi, who made substantial contributions to Chinese thought and culture. Imperial ChinaeditChina was eventually unified in 2. BC by Qin Shi Huang, the First Emperor, and the Qin Dynasty instituted a centralized system of government for all of China, and standardized weights and measures, Chinese characters and currency in order to create unity. Until today, the ideal of a unified and strong centralized system is still strong in Chinese thought. However, due to despotic and harsh rule, the Qin dynasty lasted for only 1. Han Dynasty took over in 2. BC after a period of revolt. With the invention of paper and extensive trade with the West along the Silk Road, along with relatively benevolent imperial rule, the Han was the first golden age of Chinese civilization. Ethnic Chinese consider themselves to be part of the Han race till this day. The collapse of the Han Dynasty in 2. CE led to a period of political turmoil and war known as the Three Kingdoms Period, which saw China split into the three separate states of Wei, Shu and Wu. Despite lasting for only about 6. Chinese history. China was then briefly reunified under the Jin Dynasty, before descending into a period of division and anarchy once again. The era of division culminated with the Sui which reunified China in 5. The Sui were famous for major public works projects, such as the engineering feat of the Grand Canal, which linked Beijing in the north to Hangzhou in the south. Certain sections of the canal are still navigable today. Bankrupted by war and excess government spending, the Sui were supplanted by the Tang Dynasty, ushering in the second golden age of Chinese civilization, marked by a flowering of Chinese poetry, Buddhism and statecraft, and also saw the development of the Imperial Examination system which attempted to select court officials by ability rather than family background. Chinatowns overseas are often known as Street of the Tang People Tngrn ji in Chinese. The collapse of the Tang Dynasty then saw China divided once again, until it was reunified by the Song Dynasty, this collapse was preceded by the secession and independence of Vietnam in 9. CE. The Song ruled over most of China for over 1. Huai river by the Jurchens, were they continued to rule as the Southern Song, and although militarily weak, attained a level of commercial and economic development unmatched until the Wests Industrial Revolution. Road To Serfdom Ebook. The Yuan Mongol dynasty first defeated the Jurchens, then proceeded to conquer the Song in 1. Eurasian empire from modern day Beijing. After defeating the Mongols, the Ming dynasty 1. Han. The Ming period was noted for trade and exploration, with Zheng Hes numerous voyages to Southeast Asia, India and the Arab world. Initial contact with European traders meant China gradually reaped the fruits of the Colombian exchange, with silver pouring in by the galleon through trade with the Portuguese and Spanish. Famous buildings in Beijing, such as the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven, were built in this period. The last dynasty of the Qing Manchu dynasty 1. Chinese empire grow to its current size, incorporating the western regions of Xinjiang and Tibet. The Qing dynasty fell into decay in its final years to become the sick man of Asia, where it was nibbled apart by Western powers. The Westerners established their own treaty ports in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Tianjin. China lost several territories to foreign powers Hong Kong and Weihai were ceded to Britain, Taiwan and Liaodong were to Japan, parts of the North East including Dalian and parts of Outer Manchuria to Russia, while Qingdao was ceded to Germany.