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Reformation Day Ironies, 5. Anniversary Edition Shameless Popery. On October 3. 1, 1. Brother Martin Luther allegedly nailed his 9. Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. This probably never actually happened, its a later Protestant legend, but its why  some Protestants celebrate October 3. Reformation Day. From 2. I did a series of annual posts recounting Reformation Day ironies 2. Reformation is celebrated. For example, from the very first list The Reformation Wall in Geneva, Switzerland is an enormous stone monument with engraved figures of the Calvinist Reformers. Four figures Calvin, Beza, Farel, and Knox, tower over their mortal counterparts, and form the centerpiece of the wall. And lets be honest here. Calvin and the others are being venerated in this way for the religious contributions. If this were, say, the Apostles, or St. QEvt95l59k/0.jpg' alt='Ditty Blue Devils Pdf Logo' title='Ditty Blue Devils Pdf Logo' />Augustine, instead of Calvin, Calvinists would be having a fit. But perhaps its okay to have Calvin engravings, because modern Calvinists arent prone to superstition, and arent about to start worshiping a Calvin pumpkin or statue. Thats a fair point. Except that its an argument that Calvin rejects Hence, again, it is obvious, that the defenders of images resort to a paltry quibbling evasion, when they pretend that the Jews were forbidden to use them on account of their proneness to superstition as if a prohibition which the Lord founds on his own eternal essences and the uniform course of nature, could be restricted to a single nation. John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book I, Chapter 1. This year, in commemoration of the 5. Reformation, Ive decided to do another round of Reformation Day Ironies. This year, the theme is Luther against the Reformation, looking at the various ways that Martin Luther spoke against the Reformation he helped to spark Irony 1. Luther Against the Reformation The Papacy. Background. The mixtape was released for free on April 25, 2011 through the groups official website, thirdworlds. It was simultaneously released through iTunes. After the 9. 5 Theses proved more controversial than he seems to have anticipated, Martin Luther realized that there was only way to resolve the dispute turn to the pope. After all, 6. 1 of Luthers 9. Theses declares that it is clear that the popes power is of itself sufficient for the remission of penalties and cases reserved by himself. And so, in a letter written on May 3. Martin Luther writes these words to Pope Leo X Therefore, most holy father, I prostrate myself at your feet, placing myself and all I am and have at your disposal, to be dealt with as you see fit. My cause hangs on the will of your Holiness, by whose verdict I shall either save or lose my life. Come what may, I shall recognise the voice of your Holiness to be that of Christ, speaking through you. Comment by Mark ZIERLR http Comment by Mark UR34ez http Comment by Jarvis. The Mook Horror Show is a scene that plays out like a horrorslasher film, but casts the hero as the monster. Depending on the hero, it could involve Lets. Hong Kong War Diary. Hong Kongs second world war experience, as it is researched and documented today. The Money Store is the debut studio album by the group Death Grips. It was officially released on April 24, 2012, but was leaked to YouTube on April 14 and made. Ditty Blue Devils Pdf Schedule' title='Ditty Blue Devils Pdf Schedule' />If I merit death, I do not refuse to die, for the earth is the Lords, and all that is therein, to whom be praise to all eternity Amen. May He preserve your Holiness to life eternal. And adjudicate the matter Pope Leo did. In 1. 52. 0, Leo issued the bull Exsurge Domine, citing 4. Luthers theology. By Luthers own terms, by his own words in 1. Study AP United States History The American Pageant 13e. Damien S. This collection includes nearly 3700 scores with sheet music and mandolin tablatures for traditional, folk and old songs. No lyrics are included but most of the. The book contains cadunk, their jewels, forbidden fruit, a french crisis, and only a boy food of the gods, on the delaware, grace before meat, midnight threnody. Concrete Mix Ratio Calculator on this page. Of course, Luther broke his word, responding to the Exsurge Domine by denouncing the pope as the Antichrist, but such petulance merely showed him to be an untrustworthy and unstable man. Irony 1. Luther Against the Reformation Teaching Authority. One of the arguments that St. Francis de Sales made against the Reformers in The Catholic Controversy was that they had no teaching authority, since Christ never sent them directly through a private revelation or indirectly through His Church Now you cannot be ignorant that they neither had, nor have, in any way at all, this mission. For if Our Lord had sent them, it would have been either mediately or immediately. We say mission is given mediately when we are sent by one who has from God the power of sending, according to the order which he has appointed in his Church and such was the mission of S. Denis into France by Clement and of Timothy by S. Paul. Immediate mission is when God himself commands and gives a charge, without the interposition of the ordinary authority which he has placed in the prelates and pastors of the Church as S. Peter and the Apostles were sent, receiving from Our Lords own mouth this commandment Go ye into the, whole worlds and preach the Gospel to every creature Matthew 2. Moses received his mission to Pharaoh and to the people of Israel  Exodus 3 9 1. Why does this matter Because Scripture teaches that you cant just give yourself the authority to teach the Gospel. This idea is actually older than Christianity. Hebrews 5 1 6 notes that the priesthood wasnt something that you could just give yourself, and that even Christ doesnt make Himself a priest For every high priest chosen from among men is appointed to act on behalf of men in relation to God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. He can deal gently with the ignorant and wayward, since he himself is beset with weakness. Because of this he is bound to offer sacrifice for his own sins as well as for those of the people. And one does not take the honor upon himself, but he is called by God, just as Aaron was. So also Christ did not exalt himself to be made a high priest, but was appointed by him who said to him, Thou art my Son, today I have begotten thee as he says also in another place, Thou art a priest for ever, after the order of Melchizedek. This is also true for evangelists in general. The Biblical model is that preachers are sent by the Church Romans 1. But how are men to call upon him in whom they have not believed And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard And how are they to hear without a preacher And how can men preach unless they are sent As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who preach good newsThats why, in Acts 1. Council of Jerusalem sent a letter explaining that the Judaizers went out without permission, and that Judas and Silas are being sent by the Church to repair the damage done by these unauthorized preachers Since we have heard that some persons from us have troubled you with words, unsettling your minds, although we gave them no instructions, it has seemed good to us in assembly to choose men and send them to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, men who have risked their lives for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have therefore sent Judas and Silas, who themselves will tell you the same things by word of mouth. Priests and preachers are ambassadors for Christ 2 Corinthians 5 2. Ephesians 6 2. 0 Philemon 1 9, and you cant make yourself an ambassador, any more than Dennis Rodman can make himself the U. S. ambassador to North Korea. Interestingly, Luther recognized this, and had an answer to St. Francis objection. His teaching authority, as he notes in the above mentioned letter to Pope Leo, came from the pope From this, most holy father, has such a fire been kindled, that, to judge from the hue and cry, one would think the whole world had been set ablaze. And perhaps this is because I, through your Holinesss apostolic authority, am a doctor of theology and they do not wish to admit that I am entitled, according to the usage of all universities in Christendom, openly to discuss, not only Indulgences, but many higher doctrines, such as Divine Power, Forgiveness, and Mercy. So Luthers ability to publicly teach on, and dispute about, indulgences and other theological questions came from Pope Leo X.