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This post claims to be by a libertarian in support of net neutrality. As a libertarian, I need to debunk this. Net neutrality is a case of one hand clapping, you rarely hear the competing side, and thus, that side may sound attractive. This post is about the other side, from a libertarian point of view. That post just repeats the common, and wrong, left wing talking points. I mean, there might be a libertarian case for some broadband regulation, but this isnt it. This thing they call net neutrality is just left wing politics masquerading as some sort of principle. Its no different than how people claim to be pro choice, yet demand forced vaccinations. Or, its no different than how people claim to believe in traditional marriage even while they are on their third traditional marriage. Properly defined, net neutrality means no discrimination of network traffic. But nobody wants that. A classic example is how most internet connections have faster download speeds than uploads. This discriminates against upload traffic, harming innovation in upload centric applications like Drop. Boxs cloud backup or Bit. Torrents peer to peer file transfer. Yet activists never mention this, or other types of network traffic discrimination, because they no more care about net neutrality than Trump or Gingrich care about traditional marriage. Instead, when people say net neutrality, they mean government regulation. Its the same old debate between who is the best steward of consumer interest the free market or government. Specifically, in the current debate, they are referring to the Obama era FCC Open Internet order and reclassification of broadband under Title II so they can regulate it. Trumps FCC is putting broadband back to Title I, which means the FCC cant regulate most of its Open Internet order. Dont be tricked into thinking the Open Internet order is anything but intensely politically. The premise behind the order is the Democrats firm believe that its government who created the Internet, and all innovation, advances, and investment ultimately come from the government. It sees ISPs as inherently deceitful entities who will only serve their own interests, at the expense of consumers, unless the FCC protects consumers. It says so right in the order itself. It starts with the premise that broadband ISPs are evil, using illegitimate tactics to hurt consumers, and continues with similar language throughout the order. A good contrast to this can be seen in Tim Wus non political original paper in 2. Whereas the FCC sees broadband ISPs as enemies of consumers, Wu saw them as allies. His concern was not that ISPs would do evil things, but that they would do stupid things, such as favoring short term interests over long term innovation such as having faster downloads than uploads. The political depravity of the FCCs order can be seen in this comment from one of the commissioners who voted for those rules FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel wants to increase the minimum broadband standards far past the new 2. Mbps download threshold, up to 1. Mbps. We invented the internet. We can do audacious things if we set big goals, and I think our new threshold, frankly, should be 1. Mbps. I think anything short of that shortchanges our children, our future, and our new digital economy, Commissioner Rosenworcel said. This is indistinguishable from communist rhetoric that credits the Party for everything, as this booklet from North Korea will explain to you. But what about monopolies After all, while the free market may work when theres competition, it breaks down where there are fewer competitors, oligopolies, and monopolies. There is some truth to this, in individual cities, theres often only only a single credible high speed broadband provider. But this isnt the issue at stake here. The FCC isnt proposing light handed regulation to keep monopolies in check, but heavy handed regulation that regulates every last decision. Advocates of FCC regulation keep pointing how broadband monopolies can exploit their renting seeking positions in order to screw the customer. They keep coming up with ever more bizarre and unlikely scenarios what monopoly power grants the ISPs. But the never mention the most simplest that broadband monopolies can just charge customers more money. They imagine instead that these companies will pursue a string of outrageous, evil, and less profitable behaviors to exploit their monopoly position. The FCCs reclassification of broadband under Title II gives it full power to regulate ISPs as utilities, including setting prices. Tesco Download Manager'>Tesco Download Manager. The FCC has stepped back from this, promising it wont go so far as to set prices, that its only regulating these evil conspiracy theories. This is kind of bizarre either broadband ISPs are evilly exploiting their monopoly power or they arent. Why stop at regulating only half the evilThe answer is that the claim monopoly power is a deception. It starts with overstating how many monopolies there are to begin with. When it issued its 2. Open Internet order the FCC simultaneously redefined what they meant by broadband, upping the speed from 5 mbps to 2. Thats because while most consumers have multiple choices at 5 mbps, fewer consumers have multiple choices at 2. Talking Friends. Its a dirty political trick to convince you there is more of a problem than there is. In any case, their rules still apply to the slower broadband providers, and equally apply to the mobile cell phone providers. The US has four mobile phone providers AT T, Verizon, T Mobile, and Sprint and plenty of competition between them. That its monopolistic power that the FCC cares about here is a lie. As their Open Internet order clearly shows, the fundamental principle that animates the document is that all corporations, monopolies or not, are treacherous and must be regulated. But corporations are indeed evil, people argue, see heres a list of evil things they have done in the pastNo, those things werent evil. They were done because they benefited the customers, not as some sort of secret rent seeking behavior. For example, one of the more common net neutrality abuses that people mention is AT Ts blocking of Face. Time. Ive debunked this elsewhere on this blog, but the summary is this there was no network blocking involved not a net neutrality issue, and the FCC analyzed it and decided it was in the best interests of the consumer. Its disingenuous to claim its an evil that justifies FCC actions when the FCC itself declared it not evil and took no action. Its disingenuous to cite the net neutrality principle that all network traffic must be treated when, in fact, the network did treat all the traffic equally. Another frequently cited abuse is Comcasts throttling of Bit. Torrent. Comcast did this because Netflix users were complaining. Like all streaming video, Netflix backs off to slower speed and poorer quality when it experiences congestion. Bit. Torrent, uniquely among applications, never backs off. As most applications become slower and slower, Bit. Torrent just speeds up, consuming all available bandwidth. This is especially problematic when theres limited upload bandwidth available. Thus, Comcast throttled Bit. Torrent during prime time TV viewing hours when the network was already overloaded by Netflix and other streams.