D20 Mecha Compendium Pdf

D20 Mecha Compendium Pdf' title='D20 Mecha Compendium Pdf' />Search metadata Search full text of books Search TV captions Search archived web sites Advanced Search. Heavy Gear is a game universe published since 1994 by Canadian publisher Dream Pod 9. It includes a tabletop tactical wargame, a roleplaying game and a lesser known. Dungeons Dragons is a structured yet openended roleplaying game. It is normally played indoors with the participants seated around a tabletop. Find information and ask questions about products sold through paizo. To start a new topic about a product, click the Product Discussion tab on its display page. A d20 Pathfinder system conversion of Final Fantasy. D20 Mecha Compendium Pdf' title='D20 Mecha Compendium Pdf' />D20 Mecha Compendium PdfD20 Mecha Compendium PdfHeavy Gear Wikipedia. Characters, creatures, artifacts and machines unique to the universe of Heavy Gear. Heavy Gear is a game universe published since 1. Canadian publisher Dream Pod 9. It includes a tabletop tactical wargame, a role playing game and a lesser known combat card game Heavy Gear Fighter. The setting is also known through the PC game incarnations published by Activision in 1. Activision lost the rights to the BattletechMech. Warrior series. It also spawned a 4. D animated TV series in 2. The background universe of the game is extremely detailed several million words have been published to date in more than a hundred books and game accessories. A continual epic storyline runs throughout all of the games material, with new publications moving chronologically along the timeline. Heavy Gear is best known for its humanoid combat vehicles or mecha the Gears and Striders used by the military forces in the setting. Plot and settingeditHeavy Gear is set on a distant, fictional planet called Terra Nova around 4,0. Earth Standard Years from now AD 6. Terra Nova was once the pride of the United Earth Governments colonies. However, an economic collapse forced the UEG government to abandon Terra Nova and all its other colonies centuries before the period depicted in the game setting, leaving Terra Nova in a dark age. Eventually, City states rose from the ashes and either through treaties or tyranny, united to form national unions called Leagues. These Leagues would in turn ally again either peacefully or forcibly to form the superpower blocs that dominated the temperate southern and northern hemispheres of the planet. The planets geography is primarily land containing deep underground water reserves, but few large bodies of open water, and no oceans. This is unlike Earth which is covered by 7. The planet has its own existing ecosystem of plants and animals, though most animals are reptilian in nature, such as the bison like Barnaby used as livestock, and the prolific Hopper which is the equivalent of Earths rabbit. The single dominant land feature is a massive mineral rich, hot, desert belt around the equator of the world known as the Badlands. This territory is not dominated by any one political group, and is considered open territory to everyone, and contains many bandit groups known as Rovers. Most people live in the northern or southern polar regions where temperatures are more acceptable to human life, and other terrain types such as forests, grasslands, swamps and jungles can be found. Small ice caps with arctic conditions and glaciers are found on the true north and true south poles. As the setting is primarily the backdrop for a series of strategy, roleplaying, and video games the military and weaponry are the main focus. Sip Tapi. One of the most popular weapon systems of the various groups on Terra Nova are the machines known as Heavy Gears that give the universe its name. They are 1. 2 to 2. The Gears are less heavily armed and armored than main battle tanks used by the Terra Nova armies. However, the Gears provide a mix of capabilities that prove effective as the settinggame rules typically allow victory through maneuver warfare and place less emphasis on raw firepower and armor. Several major wars take place over time, including the War of the Alliance. A new dictatorial government on Earth attempts to re take its former colonies by force using its own advanced war machines such as hover tanks and armies of purple skinned GREL super soldiers Genetically Recombinant Expeditionary Legionaries. In this war both the North and the South cooperate to fight off the Colonial Expeditionary Force, which during their first defeat and withdrawal abandon many personnel both human and GREL, who eventually settle Terra Nova and form the city state of Port Arthur. As of 6. 13. 2 AD TN 1. Confederated Northern City States CNCS and the Allied Southern Territories AST are recovering and rebuilding from the War of the Alliance. Despite the looming common threat posed by the eventual return of Earths colonial armies, the polar superpowers have great fear and animosity for each other, an analogy of the real world NATO and Warsaw Pact, while the independent City States of the Badlands simply try to survive the crossfire. Confederated Northern City StateseditThe political situation on Terra Nova has three major nations of the north polar region banding together to form their alliance called the Confederated Northern City States to oppose the Allied Southern Territories from the south pole. Northern Light ConfederacyeditA large nation known for its devotion to the major religion of Sorrento Revisionism based on the teachings of an early wandering desert colonist prophet named Mamoud. Sorrento Revisionism is a sect that preaches conservatism, and the necessary use of force to make the world a better place. They are most often motivated to conflict by that reason, and even incorporate chaplains into military units. Mercantile FederationeditAn industrial power that puts a price on everything, including buying and selling votes in their political system, and has a keen interest in exploiting the untapped resources buried in the sand and rock of the Badlands. Western Frontier ProtectorateeditA region of open plains and ranching that promote family, hard work, and patriotism by military service. Indeed, the WFP requires a person to be a reservist in the Protectorate armed forces in order to be elected to high office, and only military veterans may vote. Allied Southern TerritorieseditThe south pole of Terra Nova likewise has an overall political grouping known as the Allied Southern Territories. Unlike the three nations forming the CNCS, which are generally on an equal level with one another politically, the Southern Republic dominates over the other three southern nations in order to field the strength necessary to meet Northern aggressive policies towards them. Southern RepubliceditThe real power of the southern pole. They are the largest nation on the planet with both territory and population, and dominate the other southern nations by military force if necessary. They are openly free with many individual rights of expression, a high level of art and culture, and legalised vices, but with the major exception of freedom for political dissent. The government is intolerant of dissent and opposition groups, and employs secret police. Prisoners often form poorly trained and equipped military units. Mekong DominioneditA nation of manufacturing, money lending, and corporations as government. They are also minimally armed, using their small military as a dual purpose police force and often hires outside forces to supplement their own when necessary. Humanist AllianceeditThis nation uses science and technology to structure their society in an attempt to create harmony and utopia. This ideal has almost attained religious status in their people. They place citizens into castes based on aptitude testing and are highly educated at all levels. Research and development, and an efficient skilled work force are some of their greatest assets. Eastern Sun EmirateseditA fractured nation of individual City States that are almost nations unto themselves. They are led by hereditary monarchs known as Emirs who rule over their common citizens with no middle class in between. Minor powers on Terra NovaeditAlong with the major polar regions, several smaller factions exist on Terra Nova. Messageboards2. 00. Paizo Inc. Privacy Policy Contact Us. Need help Email customer. 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